Google Newspaper Archive, a Primary Source Paradise

Screenshot 2015-08-20 09.22.02

Have you ever struggled with finding good primary source material for students? As an English teacher, I teach a lot of literature. I have always taught a good bit of non-fiction as well, but the reality is, there are times I wish I could teach more of it.

With the advent of Common Core, or College Career Readiness Standards, or whatever catchy name your state has given them, non-fiction text has probably become a much larger part of the expectations.  History teachers are expected to pick up a significant share of that load, through the reading of primary source materials.

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Teach Like a PIRATE Book Review #tlap


This seems to be the summer of reading… wait, aren’t all summers summers of reading? No, hold on, reading is always good, summer or not.  Well anyway, enough of that. Recently, I finished a great book by Dave Burgess, Teach Like a PIRATE. Let me tell you, it was a treat.

Now, let’s start out with the nitty gritty. Yes, the word PIRATE is all in caps. That is intentional. Work with me here and we will get to that.

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